Product Information
Molecular Structure | |
IUPAC Name | N'-(6-aminohexyl)hexane-1,6-diamine |
CAS Number |
Other Names |
Molecular Formula | C12H29N3 - pure BHMT |
Molecular Weight | 215.385 g/mol |
Description | BIS-HEXAMETHYLENE TRIAMINE is a colorless crystalline or flaked solid |
Typical Composition (wt %) | Bis(hexamethylene)triamine 98 Other amines and lactams 2 |
Chemical & Physical Properties
Chemical & Physical Properties
Property Name | Value |
Boiling Point, °C (°F), 4 mmHg | 164 (327) |
Melting Point, °C (°F) | 32–34 (90-93) |
Flash Point, °C (°F) (Open Cup) | 121 (250) |
Specific Gravity | 0.88 |
Bulk Density, lb/gal | 7.34 |
Amine Value, mg KOH/g | 760 |
Amine Equivalent Weight | 72 |
H Equivalent Weight | 43 |
pH, 5% Aqueous Solution | 12.6 |
Applications & Uses
Applications & Uses
- Asphalt Anti-strip Additive
- Cationic collectors for ore flocculation
- Corrosion and scale inhibitors
- Cationic emulsifiers
- Chelating agent
- Epoxy curing agent
- Flocculating agents
- Polyurethane chain extender or catalyst
- Polyamide resins for Adhesives, Films, Inks, Plastics, Wet strength paper resins
References in Literature
References in Literature
Showing most recent 1 to 5 of 23
Title | Journal or Book | Year |
Engineering Ceramic Fiber Nanostructures Through Polymer-Mediated Electrospinning | Polymer-Engineered Nanostructures for Advanced Energy Applications | 2017 |
Optimization of processing parameters of medium density fiberboard using response surface methodology for multiwalled carbon nanotubes as a nanofiller | European Journal of Wood and Wood Products | 2016 |
Surface Modification and Bioconjugation of Upconversion Nanoparticles | Photon Upconversion Nanomaterials | 2015 |
Luminescent Nanomaterials for Molecular-Specific Cellular Imaging | Handbook of Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics | 2013 |
Fluorescent quantum dots: Synthesis, modification, and application in immunoassays | Nanotechnologies in Russia | 2013 |
Source: Springer Nature
Description: Literature references related to scientific contents from Springer Nature journals and books.
Showing most recent 1 to 5 of 23
Source: PubChem
Description: Data deposited in or computed by PubChem